
Volta Trucks Plans Bankruptcy, 600 UK Jobs at Risk



Electric vehicles (EVs) is often characterized by innovation, ambition, and occasionally, unforeseen challenges. Volta Trucks, a Swedish company, experienced both great success and tough challenges. Their story is like a lesson for new companies in the electric vehicle industry. It shows the difficulties startups can encounter as they try to make it in this fast-changing market.

However, as we’ve recently learned, this is not one of sheer success but rather a cautionary narrative about the challenges faced by new entrants in the EV market.

The Ascent of Volta Trucks

Founded in 2019, Volta Trucks set out to make a mark in the EV industry. With headquarters in Stockholm and London, the company took an audacious step by launching the world’s first purpose-built, 16-tonne pure-electric truck in 2020.

The Volta Zero, as it was called, was designed to cater to city-center operations, focusing on sustainability and innovation. They had a strong initial push, with the development of their vehicles taking place in the UK.

Volta Trucks Facing the Harsh Realities

Volta Trucks had a promising start, with a substantial order book of over 5,000 vehicles.

Their ambitious plans were met with enthusiasm from investors, who collectively injected approximately 300 million euros ($316 million) into the venture.

However, the journey was not without its hardships, and a series of challenges began to accumulate.

The Battery Supplier Dilemma

The first blow came with the bankruptcy of Proterra, their battery supplier, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the United States in August. This unfortunate event disrupted their manufacturing plans, leading to a reduction in the volume of vehicles they had initially forecasted for production.

Capital Crunch

The problems didn’t end there. Volta Trucks also faced difficulty raising capital in an environment already challenging for electric vehicle companies.

As rising interest rates tightened the investment climate for startups, the company found it increasingly challenging to secure the funds necessary to realize their vision.

The Painful Decision by Volta Trucks

With their Swedish headquarters and UK operations facing insurmountable challenges, the board of Volta Trucks had to make a heart-wrenching decision.

In a statement, they expressed the difficulty of their choice and acknowledged the profound impact it would have on their dedicated workforce, customers, and partners. This decision included filing for bankruptcy in both Sweden and the UK, where approximately 600 automotive jobs are now at risk.

The Bigger Picture

Volta Trucks’ struggle is not unique in the electric vehicle industry. Over the past few years, numerous EV startups have garnered significant investments but struggled to transition to mass production. Startups like Lordstown Motors and Arrival have faced similar challenges and filed for bankruptcy.

In contrast, established truck manufacturers like Volvo and DAF have managed to make progress with electric trucks, with some being deployed in the UK and elsewhere. This juxtaposition highlights the complexities and obstacles faced by newcomers in the industry and the advantages that established players possess.


The rise and fall of Volta Trucks serves as a stark reminder of the unforgiving nature of the electric vehicle industry. While startups enter the market with groundbreaking ideas and innovative products, they often grapple with challenges that range from supply chain disruptions to raising necessary capital. The story of Volta Trucks is a testament to the difficulties that new entrants can encounter, even in an industry with tremendous growth potential.

As the world shifts towards a more sustainable future, the electric vehicle market continues to evolve. While some startups may falter, others will rise to the occasion and overcome these hurdles, further advancing the transition to clean, eco-friendly transportation solutions. The journey may be fraught with challenges, but the destination remains one of hope and promise for a greener tomorrow.

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